Ceinture Fléchée - Looming belts

One very unique and wonderful tradition at ÉPK is to have every parent/grandparent/guardian LOOM a belt for their child (open the attachment to read more about the belt). We will invite you to come into the school one morning where we will teach you how to loom your child’s belt. It’s not nearly as daunting as it may sound! So many parents who come in end up really enjoying it and offer to come back! It’s a great opportunity to grab a coffee and meet other parents. pssst…even Dads have enjoyed it!!
As mentioned, EVERY child requires ONE guardian to take the time to come for one session to loom their belt. It takes one morning (about 1-2 hours) and we offer many sessions prior to Carnivale in February/March when they will be worn. We are also working on offering an evening session or two! All dates to be announced soon.
We also require ONE main volunteer from each class (1 from the full day program, and 1 from the Tues./Thurs. program, 1 from Pre K) to be a coordinator of the program for your group. We will teach you a little more about looming (how to set the looms up) and you would be responsible for leading the parents during the loom sessions. If more than one parent volunteers for this role then that is EXCELLENT, as it can definitely be a shared role. We have council members and last year's coordinators who are already knowledgeable with the looms and will assist and teach you! The knowledge is passed on year after year. Please contact the school council at epkparentcouncil@gmail.com if you are interested in the coordinator role.
For everyone else, you will be emailed a link to the signup genius website once we have our session dates confirmed, so please check your emails regularly. We should be setting up the sessions as soon as we have a couple coordinators ready to take on the lead roles! If a guardian cannot make any of the sessions, we always have parents who make a spare belt here and there! EVERY child will receive a belt.
God Bless,
ÉPK School Council